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Part IV: Proposal


I) Brief Summary: I am proposing a podcast about the Thomas Brown case that will give the public a bigger and better understanding of what is going on, and an understanding of my own findings and theories.


II) Audience: General Public, the community of Hemphill/Wheeler County, Klein Investigators, the guilty. 

Decision Makers: Family of Thomas and Klein Investigators.


III) Proposal Description: In this podcast, I will turn it into a timeline of events. I will use my own interviews with not only Penny Meek, but his brother Tucker, his friends, and the investigators. 

After the timeline has been done, I will then interview the investigators, Texas Attorney General, Texas Rangers, and Hemphill County Sheriffs department about their theories and findings throughout the case. 

In the end, I may add in opinions from outer community members in the county, and interviews from people in the Texas Panhandle that know that family and the town of Canadian on what they think happened. Then I will give my own opinions and findings on the case.


With this podcast, I’m hoping to not only get the attention of the general public, but also the State of Texas and whoever may be involved in the “accident”. Having a larger public knowledge of the injustice of Thomas Brown will not only make awareness on the case but having more people knowing about it will scare those who are guilty. Especially with more people looking into it. 

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