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Learning Activities

In this unit, we learned a lot about units, forms, quadratics, perfect squares, and intercepts.

   Units- a quantity chosen as a standard in terms of which other quantities may be expressed.

   Types of Forms- Standard, vertex, and factored.

   Quadratic Equation- n equation of the second degree, meaning it contains at least one term that is squared. The standard         form is ax² + bx + c = 0 with a, b, and c being constants, or numerical coefficients, and x is an unknown variable.

   Perfect Squares- the product of a rational number multiplied by itself.

   Intercepts- The X intercept is the horizontal line on a graph. Also known as the x-axis. The Y intercept is the vertical line on            a graph. Also known as the y-axis. 

To help us learn the 'Forms of Quadratics', we used the 3 types of forms (standard, vertex, and factored). When studying perfect squares, we used a simple way. We would draw a square and divide it into 4 sections. The top left square was the given letter squared (x=side, x = top, = x^2). The top right square, was the given number, halved, with that given letter. (x=side, 5=top, =5x). The bottom left square is the exact same. On the bottom right square, it would be the number squared (5 * 5 = 25). Example here:

Personal Understanding

I understood this unit a lot better than the last one. There were a lot of times where I had a hard time remembering what the steps were for a lot of the stuff, but the more I study my notes, the more I remember them. This last assignment we did, I practically did it on my own. I had Dan (my teacher) show me how to do it right in front of me, and as I would get further, I'd ask him more questions. He helped me with one problem, and I managed to do the rest on my own. I got the rest done real quick too! I don't do to well when watching a class lesson, but when it's shown to me personally, I can get it much faster. 

Collaborative Contributions 

I usually try to be prepared and understanding as much as I possibly can. If I completely understand what's going on, I will contribute my ideas, answers, and steps. But if i'm quite puzzled, I'll sit back and try to get an understanding and then help the group, but if I can't, I ask my friends and teacher what is going on. Some skills I bring to the table, is my respect for others answers and ideas, and my engagement. It's hard to get work done, when you or your group mate isn't engaged! Two of my peers, Emily and Patrick, are my favorite people to work with. They both are helpful, engaged, and aren't afraid to help me when I don't understand. They're both super smart, even if they don't think so. What I like about Emily, is that even if she's wrong, she'll spend as much time as possible to figure it out. I admire her determination. What I like about Patrick, is he somehow manages to get the answer by doing things differently and how it suites him best. 


I'd say, based on how well I did, i'd give myself an average of 87, because there were times when I really got it, and times I didn't. I'm not proud of that, but it's honest truth and I do plan on bringing that up to a 90+. Based on contribution to my group, I'd say an average of 98. I did my hardest to contribute my ideas and learn the ways that others got theirs. There were a few times where I was spaced out and not paying attention, so that's why it's not any higher. 

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