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Part V: Reflection


I) To what extent did you choose an issue that you genuinely care about? Why is this something you are passionate about? Did you just pick low hanging fruit or go for something you really care about? 

I decided to go with an issue that I care about a lot. The Thomas Brown case is something I have followed since the very start. Since it took place in the small place I come from, I had a connection to it since I know the people involved. And with the case being as deep and intense as it is, it’s impossible to get tired and bored of it.


II) What did you learn from this process that will help you with your senior project? (Research skills? Ways of being effective in making an impact? Etc..)

Since I intend to use the same topic for my senior project, everything I did for this project helped me prepare for next semester. Gathering the research I did for this project and writing my cover letter gave me a jump start for my senior thesis. 


III) What was the most valuable/informative/interesting part of this assignment?

For me, it was the whole thing. The research was a very valuable tool for me since that’s what a lot of my project consisted of. I enjoy doing research and taking notes on what I find. The cover letter helped me understand my own philosophy on the case, along with the philosophy of others. The approach/proposal helped me think about ideas for my action project.


IV) What is one thing Ashley could have done to improve this project the most? OR What is one thing YOU could have done to improve your own work?

I enjoyed this project, but I would say that people could have benefited just a couple of days extra for the research piece. Other than that, I enjoyed this project. I tried my best and am still adding things to my research, making me feel like I don’t really have anything to improve on.

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